SA Institute for Health Research

Death, Dying and Beyond


The one thing that is at once the most predictable and unpredictable about life is death. This book is an attempt to find answers to the core issues related to death, not just theoretically but practically, supported by anecdotes and experiences arising from the author’s brush with death.

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. . . biologically as well as psychologically, we can distinguish two types of dying. One, where death appears as a liberator from a burdened past. The other comes as a face of terror, destroying ruthlessly a beautiful gift, making the very first moment of birth also into a moment of death.
Though insensible to the outer surface there is a real pain of death that arises due to a tearing of the life-force from the body and the subtle nerves that feed it . . . . Their cutting asunder leads to an agonising wrench that constitutes the ‘pain of death’.
Death serves as a grim reminder of the imperfection and impermanence of life. Instead of depressing us it should act as a spur to goad us towards a greater perfection since that is what death and indeed all apparent destruction secretly is. In our present state of ignorance and imperfection, death becomes necessary so that we may realise our deficiencies and do not get locked forever in a fixed and rigid and ignorant mould.

Weight 430 g

Dr. Alok Pandey

Publishing Info

First Edition – 2009 / Second Impression – 2017

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