Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

The Mother – A Short Biography


This book serves as a simple and first introduction to the life, work and teachings of the Mother.

Availability: 10 in stock

The Mother was born in Paris in 1878. Even during her childhood she was preoccupied with the inner search and was led to extraordinary spiritual experiences which deepened, in her late youth, into a realisation of constant union with the Divine. In 1914, she met Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry and established a divine collaboration with him.

The Sri Aurobindo Ashram grew under her guidance and practical advice, and she founded the International Centre of Education to prepare the children for the integral life as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo.

This book serves as a brief introduction to her life as lived on earth.

Weight 126 g


Publishing Info

First Edition – 1986 / Tenth Impression – 2011 / Second Edition – 2014 / First Impression – 2017

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