Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Path of Prayers


The Path of Prayer is compiled by Dr Alok Pandey, reprinted from the June 2019 issue of All India magazine. The cover has a picture of a swan of which Sri Aurobindo said, “The swan is the Indian symbol of the individual soul, the central being, the divine part which is turned towards the Divine, descending from there and ascending to it.”

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But the highest and the greatest relation is that which starts from none of the ordinary religious motives, but is rather of the very essence of Yoga, springs from the very nature of love itself; it is the passion of the Lover and the Beloved. Wherever there is the desire of the soul for its utter union with God, this form of the divine yearning makes it way even into religions which seem to do without it and give it no place in their ordinary system. (CWSA 24:569)

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Selections from the Works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Publishing Info

Reprint – June 2019

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