Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

A Glimpse of Mother’s Love & Action


This well-produced book presents insights into the Mother’s way of working as she founded and developed the Sri Aurobindo Society. Contains a large number of original and rare documents.

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This well-produced book presents insights into the Mother’s way of working as she founded and developed the Sri Aurobindo Society. Contains a large number of original and rare documents.


A tiny seed holds the blueprint of a mighty tree. It was the divine Mother who planted the seed of the Society’s destiny and nurtured it. She provided the force and the inspiration and encouraged each individual and each group to grow in complete freedom, to progress and work in a spirit of service and sadhana. But simultaneously she was always ready to come forward to help and guide, whenever the need of the call was there.

One of the most beautiful messages (by the Mother) was given to the Ranchi Branch which has become the source of inspiration for all Centres. “To open a centre is not sufficient in itself. It must be the pure hearth of a perfect sincerity in a total consecration to the Divine. Let the flame of this sincerity rise high above the falsehoods and deceptions of the world.”

Introducing the project (Auroville) the Mother, president of the Society, declared: “Auroville wants to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realise human unity.”

Weight 402 g

Edited by Vijay

Publishing Info

First Edition – 15th August 1997

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