Yoga in Everyday Life

Prayer & Japa


A series of booklets, compiled from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on specific subjects covering almost all aspects of human life, our daily strivings and our inner needs. Although a compilation, in its very nature, is likely to have a personal and subjective approach, a sincere attempt, however, has been made to be faithful to the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Availability: 20 in stock

A series of booklets, compiled from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on specific subjects covering almost all aspects of human life, our daily strivings and our inner needs. Although a compilation, in its very nature, is likely to have a personal and subjective approach, a sincere attempt, however, has been made to be faithful to the vision of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

It is hoped that these booklets will inspire the readers to go to the complete works and will help them to mould their lives and their environments towards an ever greater perfection.

Excerpts from Prayer and Japa:

….. suddenly a flame is lit, you feel an enthusiastic élan , a great fervour, and express it in words which, to be true, must be spontaneous. This must come from the heart, directly, with ardour, without passing through the head. That is a prayer.
Besides, considering all the contradictory things mankind is praying for at the same moment, God would be in a rather awkward hole if he had to grant all of them; it wouldn’t do.
Prayer is a personal thing, addressed to a personal being, that is, to something – a force or a being – who can hear you and answer you.
To those who demand from him, God gives what they demand, but to those who give themselves and demand nothing, he gives everything that they might otherwise have asked or needed and in addition he gives himself and the spontaneous boons of his love.

Weight 34 g

Compiled by Vijay from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

Publishing Info

First Centenary Edition – 1972 / Fourth Revised Edition – 1989 / Second Impression – 2007

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