Sri Aurobindo and The Mother

A Divine Life in A Divine Body


If an ultimate perfection of terrestrial life is the aim of our endeavour and not only our spirit’s upward flight (ascent) to some static absolute beyond existence, then a divine perfection of the physical body itself must be the basis on which the ever evolving Nature may manifest her divine life upon earth. This is an abridged version of the same book mentioned above, containing only two lectures written in calligraphy.

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If an ultimate perfection of terrestrial life is the aim of our endeavour and not only our spirit’s upward flight (ascent) to some static absolute beyond existence, then a divine perfection of the physical body itself must be the basis on which the ever evolving Nature may manifest her divine life upon earth . But what will be the nature and the structure of this evolved body? What will be the conditions and the means and methods of it’s working out of this ideal divine body? Such are the questions and answers revealed to the reader in the guiding light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

The original book with the same title, containing all the lectures given around the world, is available Here


The first step in attaining this new life (the Divine Life) is to want it – to want it solely, to want it above all. And to eliminate – the great art of rejection – to remove the impediments from your path. To eliminate all that contradicts; all that wastes your time when you move towards your goal.
If you want to have faith, you cannot calculate. You should not think that faith means you take a parachute, you take all the precautions, like putting a kind of net as in the circus, and then you jump. That is not faith. Faith is: if He is there, I am doing it for Him, He will take care of me.
If you want to lead a fuller life, it is absolutely necessary to purify your consciousness through meditation, to develop your inner capacities through meditation. ………, the mind is both universal and individual.
There is a soul in us, a soul which is directly a part of the Divine. The Divine is realisable in His true form at the soul level. By certain processes, by yoga, you can get in contact with your soul. When you get in contact with your soul, it is a contact with the Divine.

Weight 26 g

Shri Navajata

Publishing Info

First Edition – 2014

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